TOUCH −ふれる− #1
TOUCH −Fureru− #1
SAWADA Ikuhisa (Photographer), TAKAGI Yuu (Curator), ULTRA STUDIO (Scenographer), YANTOR (Costume Designer), FUJI||||||||||||TA (Musician), MITO Ruri (Dancer), OUE Shintaro (Dancer), MORIYAMA Mirai (Dancer) and more
ダンスパフォーマンスの告知ポスターとフライヤー。写真家・澤田育久との協働。コロナ禍において自他の境界のメタファーとも捉えられるビニールシートに文字を反転させながら印刷し、レイヤー状に吊るし撮影。 ポスターは透明のPET素材に印刷しイメージとオブジェクトの境界が曖昧になることを意図した。フライヤーは不透明の紙に印刷されているが、あたかもうっすら向こう側が透けているようなデザインとした。
Promotional poster and flyer for a dance performance. In collaboration with photographer Ikuhisa Sawada. The text printed in reverse on vinyl sheets and shot hung in layers can also be seen as a metaphorical interpretation of personal and societal boundaries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The poster, printed on transparent PET material deliberately blurs the boundary between image and object. While the flyer is printed on opaque paper, the design is created to give impressions of transparency, as if hinting at glimpses from the other side.