168-0081 東京都杉並区宮前2-10-42 宮前ヴィレッジ B棟 202
Miyamae-Village B-202, 2-10-42, Miyamae, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, 168-0081, Japan
"Established in 2022. A graphic design studio deeply committed to various cultural fields such as contemporary art, performing arts, architecture and fashion, excelling at visually translating concepts.
The studio enthusiastically engages in a diverse range of work both domestically and internationally, including comprehensive graphic design for exhibitions and events, book design, signage planning, advertising visuals, logos, and website design.
The name REFLECTA, was coined by adding the suffix ‘A’ representing the female gender, to the English word ‘REFLECT’.
It symbolises the studio’s dedication to assume the role of a reflective surface, embracing the ideas and works of our clients and collaborators, and transforming them into graphic design forms before delivering them back.
The name also embodies our aspiration to engage in meaningful activities through continuous introspection, contemplation (and sometimes self-reflection), and making necessary adjustments along the way."
岡﨑真理子 (主宰/グラフィックデザイナー)
OKAZAKI Mariko (Founder / Graphic Designer)
1984年生まれ、東京都出身。慶應義塾大学SFCで建築を学んだのち、アムステルダムのGerrit Rietveld Academieでグラフィックデザインを学ぶ。
帰国後neucitora、village®での実務経験を経て2018年よりフリー、2022年REFLECTA, Inc. 設立。観察とコンセプチュアルな思考に基づいた、編集的/構造的なデザインを探求している。
Born in 1984 in Tokyo. After majoring in architecture at Keio University SFC, she studied graphic design at Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. After returning to Japan, she worked at neucitora and village®, before becoming freelance in 2018 and establishing REFLECTA, Inc. in 2022. She seeks to explore design in an editorial/structural way based on observation and conceptual thinking.
田岡美紗子 (グラフィックデザイナー)
TAOKA Misako (Graphic Designer)
1992年生まれ、茨城県出身。東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科先端芸術表現専攻修了。edition.nord、TAKAIYAMA inc. での経験を経て2022年よりREFLECTA, Inc.に所属。
Born in 1992 in Ibaraki. Graduated from the Department of Intermedia Art, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. After working at edition.nord and TAKAIYAMA inc., she joined REFLECTA, Inc. in 2022. She is involved in designing and producing installations that use photography and three-dimensional elements, graphic design and art books.
邵琪 (グラフィックデザイナー)
SHAO Qi (Graphic Designer)
1997 年生まれ、中国出身。中国美術学院視覚伝達デザイン専攻卒業、東京藝術大学美術研究科デザイン専攻修了。2024 年よりREFLECTA, Inc. に所属。
Born in 1997 in China. Graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design, China Academy of Fine Arts, and Department of Design, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. She is involved in graphic design, editorial design, and spatial design.
倉品美沙 (アドミニストレーター/デザイナー)
KURASHINA Misa (Administrator / Designer)
1997 年生まれ、愛知県出身。早稲田大学創造理工学研究科建築学専攻修了。2024 年よりREFLECTA, Inc. に所属。プロジェクトの進行管理やクライアントと社内の橋渡しを行いながら、空間構成やグラフィックデザインに携わる。
Born in Aichi, Japan in 1997. Graduated from Waseda University, Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, majoring in architecture, and joined REFLECTA, Inc. in 2024. She is involved in spatial and graphic design while managing the progress of projects and acting as a bridge between clients and the studio.
進藤悠希 (アドミニストレーター)
SHINDO Yuki (Administrator)
2022年よりREFLECTA, Inc.に所属。スムーズなプロジェクト推進に向け、社内調整や渉外、広報等多岐に渡る管理業務に携わる。
Born in 1985 in Tokyo. Graduated from the Department of Economics, Keio University.
After working domestically and abroad for LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton group, she joined Zamaa Co., Ltd. in 2013 to provide human resources deevlopement services for clients. She joined REFLECTA, Inc. in 2022 where she is in charge in a range of management tasks including internal / external coordination, and public relations to ensure that all projects run smoothly.
国立新美術館、京都国立近代美術館、水戸芸術館、十和田市現代美術館、森美術館、豊田市美術館、Fergus Mccaffrey、Theater der Welt、国際交流基金、アンスティチュ・フランセ、横浜トリエンナーレ組織委員会、経済産業省、慶應義塾大学、東京藝術大学、東京大学、パルコ、ラフォーレ原宿、ユナイテッドアローズ、マガジンハウス、文藝春秋、美術出版社、赤々舎、MAPPA、HYBE JAPAN、Precog 他 (順不同)
The National Art Center, Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Art Tower Mito, Towada Art Center, Mori Art Museum, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Fergus Mccaffrey, Theater der Welt, The Japan Foundation, Institut Français, Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Keio University, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo UniversityPARCO, Laforet HARAJUKU, United Arrows, Magazine House, Bungeishunju, Bijutsu Shuppansha, AKAAKA, MAPPA, HYBE JAPAN, Precog, and more (in no particular order)
「アイデア396号 色彩デザイン再考」(誠文堂新光社)、「来るべきデザイナー」「もじ イメージ Graphic」(グラフィック社)、「未來設計士」(Sungood books)、「POSUTA POSTER」(viction:ary)、「日本のグラフィックデザイン」(Gingko Press)、「Graphic Design in Japan」(日本グラフィックデザイン協会)、「Tokyo TDC」(東京タイプディレクターズクラブ) 他
“IDEA No.396 Explore Color Design: Digital Color and the Future of Color Expression”(SEIBUNDO SHINKOSHA Publishing), “来るべきデザイナー” “Modes and Characters: Poetics of Graphic Design”(Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd.), “未來設計士”(Sungood books), “POSUTA POSTER”(viction:ary), “Japanese Graphic Design”(Gingko Press), “Graphic Design in Japan”(JAGDA), “Tokyo TDC”(Tokyo TDC) and more
多摩美術大学、武蔵野美術大学、京都市立芸術大学、ミームデザイン学校、GAKU、TDC DAY 2023、Design 360° 他
Tama Art University, Kyoto City University of Arts, MeMe Design School, GAKU, TDC DAY 2023, Design 360° and more
「2024 JAGDA 亀倉雄策賞・新人賞展」ギンザ・グラフィック・ギャラリー(東京)、 「Japanische Grafik heute」Museum für Gestaltung Zürich(チューリッヒ)、「もじ イメージ Graphic」21_21 デザインサイト(東京)、「Butsu Butsu – Design graphique contemporain au Japon」Le Signe(ショーモン)、「Syntactic Forest」Alternative Space the White(東京)& I SEE ALL(大阪)、「In the Syntactic Forest」transtage(杭州) 他
“2024 JAGDA Exhibition: Yusaku Kamekura Design Award and JAGDA New Designer Award”ggg (Tokyo), “Japanische Grafik heute” Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Zürich), “Modes and Characters: Poetics of Graphic Design” 21_21 Design Signt (Tokyo), “Butsu Butsu – Design graphique contemporain au Japon” Le Signe (Chaumont), “Syntactic Forest” Alternative Space the White (Tokyo)& I SEE ALL (Osaka), “In the Syntactic Forest” transtage (Hangzhou)and more
JAGDA新人賞2024、東京TDC2024 TDC賞
JAGDA New Designer Award 2024, Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2024 - TDC Award