Syntactic Forest Fragments
HATA Naoyuki (Artist), Sawada Hashimura (Architect), ITAMI Go (Photographer), SAWADA Ikuhisa (Photographer), KUBO Kaito (Assistant Designer), TANAKA WETLI Minami (Assistant Designer), IZUMI Minako (Assistant Designer), and more
「Syntactic Forest」の記録本。 ダイアグラムコレクションからの抜粋や展示広報物の現物のほか、参加作家である畑直幸(写真家)、Sawada Hashimura(建築設計事務所)を含めた3者による展示作品の原寸プリントの断片、 畑、伊丹豪、澤田育久による記録写真がまとめられている。圧縮された展示空間ともいえるアートブック。
Documentation book of 'Syntactic Forest’. It includes excerpts from the diagram collection, physical materials from the exhibition’s promotional materials, as well as fragments of full-scale prints of exhibition works by three participants including Naoyuki Hata (photographer) and Sawada Hashimura (architecture studio). The book also features a compilation of documentary photographs by Hata, Go Itami, and Ikuhisa Sawada. It serves as an art book that encapsulates the compressed exhibition space.