Look with All Your Eyes, Look!
Lonneke DE GROOT (Artist)
アムステルダムを拠点とする写真家・Lonneke de Groot の論文を纏めた小冊子。 都市への視点と写真との関係をテーマとした論文のコンセプトを体現するため、部分の切り取りと俯瞰の二種類の視点を応用。 大きく広げると一枚のポスターになる薄い紙に切れ目を入れて冊子状に折り、表には8つの章を、裏には表に対応するリファレンスイメージを配置した。 リファレンスイメージは折った状態では断片として文章の合間に見え隠れし、広げると俯瞰することができる。 IntroductionとConclusionは8つの章を前後から挟む形で帯のように巻きつけてある。
A small booklet compilation of a paper by Lonneke de Groot, a photographer based in Amsterdam. Two perspectives were applied to embody the concept of the paper on the themes of the relationship between urban perspective and the relationship with photographs—an overlooking perspective and one that is partially cut out. A thin sheet of paper that becomes one big poster when spread out is made with folds so that it becomes a booklet, of which the front has eight chapters and the inside has corresponding reference images for each chapter. When the booklet is folded, the reference images are hidden within the text as fragments; when spread out, it provides an overall view. The introduction and conclusion are wrapped before and after the eight chapters, from front to back like a band.