ITAMI Go (Photographer), OYAMADA Koji (Stylist), TOYAMA Yuka (Hair & Make-up), MORIYAMA Mirai (Dancer), Ella Rothschild (Dancer), NAKANO Nobuko (Neuroscientist), and more
ダンサー 森山未來、エラ・ホチルドと脳科学者 中野信子によるパフォーマンスの告知物。写真家・伊丹豪、スタイリスト・小山田 孝司、ヘアメイク・外山友香との協働。 ヨーロッパ滞在中のホチルド氏の撮影を遠隔で行い、その写真をプロジェクターで投影した東京のスタジオで他の二者を撮影。 反射や透過する素材と光を組み合わせて、リアルとバーチャルを行き来するようなビジュアルを制作した。
Promotional materials for a performance by dancer Mirai Moriyama, Ella Rothschild and neuroscientist Nobuko Nakano. In collaboration with photographer Go Itami, stylist Koji Oyamada and hair and makeup artist Yuka Toyama. The shooting for Rothschild was remotely conducted where she was staying in Europe, and the other two were captured in a studio in Tokyo while projecting those photographs. The visual composition was created by combining reflective and translucent materials with light, and by transiting between the realms of reality and virtuality.