Shinjuku Ruten Geijutsusai
TAKEHISA Naoki (Artist), TORII Shota (Artist), MATSUDA Shoei (Artist), KUROTAKI Kiyoshi (Director), KAZAMA Miki(Curator), YOSHIDAYAMA(Curator)
アートスペース・デカメロン、Gallery 10 [TOH]で行われた展覧会のロゴ。企画コンセプトに呼応した、幽体離脱や酩酊状態、滲むネオンなどを思わせる、文字と認識できるギリギリの形。
Exhibition logo for an exhibition held at art space Decameron, and Gallery 10 [TOH]. The text that is barely recognisable embodies the conceptual theme of the exhibition that evokes sensations of astral projection, inebriety and blurred neon lights.