Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi
HATTORI Saori (Architect, Translator), SAEKI Tatsuya (Architect, Translator), KATAGIRI Yuji (Architect, Translator), KOBAYASHI Sumire (Graphic Designer)
ポルトガルの建築家・ディオゴ・セイシャス・ロペスによる、アルド・ロッシ研究書の日本語訳のブックデザイン。美しい原著の雰囲気を参照しながらも日本語版ならではの縦組みとし、仕様やレイアウトは読みやすさを考えて設計した。 開きの良い製本とし、ノドに註やリファレンスイメージを配置することでページごとに異なるリズムを与えたり、表紙や扉に特徴的なテクスチャーの紙を使用するなど、ベーシックな中にイレギュラーなアクセントを加えた。
Book design for the Japanese translation of a research book on Aldo Rossi, by Portuguese architect Diogo Seixas Lopes. While drawing on the beautiful aesthetics of the original version, the design embraces the unique vertical typesetting of the Japanese language, and the book specifications and layout are crafted for readability. The book also features a well-crafted binding, and consideration was given to the placement of annotations and reference images in relation to the hinge to give each page a distinctive rhythm. Additionally, a unique textured paper was employed for the cover and endpapers, which adds an irregular accent to the basic.