me and you little magazine and club
TAKENAKA Maki (Founder), NOMURA Yume (Founder), TANAKA WETLI Minami (Assistant Designer)
me and youが運営するメディアコミュニティ・me and you little magazine and clubのロゴとビジュアルアイデンティティ。 互いに個性を尊重しあいながら緩やかに人が繋がるための手作りの場、というコンセプトに応答し、おおらかなステッチで描かれたそれぞれに形の違う三つのハートが重なり合うロゴマークを制作。 破れた布をはぎ合わせるようなジグザグステッチなどの要素を含めたビジュアルアイデンティティへと発展させた。
Logo and visual identity for media community ‘me and you little magazine and club’, operated by me and you. The logo features a drawing of three distinctive hearts of different shapes that are loosely stitched and overlapping each other, as a response to the concept of creating a hand-crafted place where people can connect in a gentle and respectful manner while embracing individual uniqueness. The visual identity is developed by incorporating elements such as zigzag stitches, like a patching torn fabric.