Planning and Supervision: IDPW, exonemo (Kensuke Sembo, Yae Akaiwa), Coordinate: Tota Hasegawa, Edit: Moe Nishiyama, Design concept + Design: Mariko Okazaki, Design: Kaito Kubo, Minami Wetli Tanaka, Cover logo: Shingo Ohno, Proofreading: Ayae Takise, Printed by Fujiwara Printing Co., Ltd., Supported by The Obayashi Foundation “Vision of the City”, Special thanks to The Internet Yami-Ichi organizers and vendors
アートユニット・exonemoによるプロジェクトの10年間をまとめた本。A DECADE TO DOWNLOAD PROJECT TEAMの一員として、ブックデザインを担当した。 「インターネットヤミ市」に過去に参加した人たちがブースを出すようにページを寄稿するためのフォーマットを作成。 ノンブルをプログレスバーに、柱をURLに、ツメをタグに置き換えるなど、リアルとバーチャルが重なり合うデザインとした。東京TDC賞2023 RGB賞受賞。
A book compilation of a 10-year project by art unit exonemo. Okazaki was responsible for the book design as a member of A DECADE TO DOWNLOAD PROJECT TEAM. A format was created for contributors who have participated in the ‘Internet Black Market’ to contribute their own pages, as if setting up their own booths. The design incorporates a blending of the real and virtual by replacing page numbers with a progress bar, headings with URLs, and fore edges as tags. Winner of the RGB Prize, Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2023.