To the Far Side of the Moon
MAGOME Masamitsu (Photographer)
赤々舎から出版された写真家・馬込将充による写真集のデザイン。 繊細さと強さの同居する写真の器としてどのようなものが相応しいか作家との対話の中で慎重に検討し、真っ白な表紙に薄い紙束の層が細い糸で綴じられた剥き出しの背の本となった。 表紙の写真は4種ある。
Book design for a photo book of photographer Masamitsu Magome, published by AKAAKA. After careful deliberation through conversations with the photographer on what would be appropriate as a container for photographs that are both delicate and strong, a book with a pure white cover and thin layers of paper bundles are bound together using a thin thread with a bare spine is created. There for four different photographs for the cover.