PARCO Seasonal Posters
RCKT (Coordinator), ITAMI Go (Photographer)
全国のPARCO館内に掲出された季節ポスター。写真家・伊丹豪との協働。写真、ロゴ、季節名、というシンプルな要素の構成でいかに従来の商業ポスターの定型を解体できるかに挑戦した。 B1縦とB3横の紙の中に、複数のB規格サイズの白い長方形(入れ子状にポスターの中のポスターのように見える)を重ねて配置し、それぞれの長方形の中にトリミングなしの写真をレイアウトした。 PARCOのロゴは、ポスター全体に対してではなくポスターの中のポスターに対して配置した。東京TDC賞2020 ノミネート作品。
Seasonal posters that are displayed in PARCO buildings across the country. In collaboration with photographer Go Itami. The challenge was how we could deconstruct the conventional commercial poster format by using a composition of simple elements of a photograph, logo and name of the season. Multiple white rectangles of standard B series sizes were arranged within vertical B1 size and horizontal B3 size papers (that can be seen as a nested poster within the poster), and inside each rectangle, uncropped photographs were laid out. The PARCO logo is positioned against the posters within the poster rather than the poster as a whole. Nominated for the Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2020.